Information for Mad Scientists

Sam's Laser FAQThe mother-lode of technical information concerning lasers including identifying, building, powering and repairing many kinds. It's been around for ages (the site consists primarily of hyperlinked text and looks like it hasn't changed since 1999) and there's a ton of info about gas tube lasers. If you need to know what voltage/current/ballast resistor your Eyes Blind Industries model L769 HeNe tube requires this is the first place to look.

Laser Pointer ForumsThe forum for laser enthusiasts. Be sure to introduce yourself in the "Welcome" forum first or you may receive a mild chiding for not performing this reasonable formality.

Solar Astronomy

The following information is very dated

Solar Astronomy Forums
Charlie Bates' Solar Chat
Solar Yahoo Groups—search for "Lunt", "Coronado", "Solar" etc. There are several groups.

Solar astronomers
Greg Piepol—incredible photos | bio
Theo Bakalexis—solar reports from Greece-—pictures taken with a PST!

What is and is not a Geiger Counter (beginners ignore this at risk to your wallet)


Tesla Coils

More to come...

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